Teaching & training

ZIBAY ECOPARC project management

For the COPIL of the ZIBAY ECOPARC project, on going

ecosys is leading the operational phase of the ZIBAY ECOPARC project, an educational journey into the world of industrial ecology.


Life cycle analysis (LCA) notebook

For the Genie.ch network, 2024

ecosys has written, on behalf of the Genie.ch network, a notebook on the subject of life cycle analyzes (LCA) – available here.

NDC enhancement and green recovery

For the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), 2023

The project aims at assessing opportunities to leverage NDC enhancement processes to guide Green Recovery, through an in-depth analysis of existing tools and the formulation of a step-by step guidance framework and supporting web-platform.

Workshop – Communal energy and climate plan (PECC)

For the municipality of Crans-Près-Céligny, 2023

On behalf of Bio Eco, ecosys held a participatory citizen workshop on the solar photovoltaic potential of the municipality of Crans, as part of the development of its communal energy and climate plan (PECC).

Organizing and teaching of the « CSR performance assessment and auditing » module

Geneva School of Business Administration and University of Geneva, 2022

Organizing and teaching of the “CSR performance assessment and auditing” module for the Diploma of Advanced Studies (DAS) in sustainable management

Green and circular economy advisory

For the United Nations Development Program (UNDP), 2021

ecosys is setting up and delivering a green and circular economy training in Malawi. This training is given to UNDP staff members, to the government, as well as to the private sector key industries.

Training in environmental economics and ecological economics

Various Universities and Administrations1998-2018

Training in environmental economics and ecological economics for University Professors (Morocco – 2007) and High Administration Executives in Algeria (2001-2018) and Morocco (1998-2016)

Organizing and teaching of the “project assessment tools and methods” module

Geneva School of Business Administration and University of Geneva, 2011-2018

Organizing and teaching of the “project assessment tools and methods” module for the Diploma of Advanced Studies (DAS) in sustainable management

“Environmental Economics” course

Faculty of geosciences and environment, University of Lausanne2011

Teaching of the “Environmental Economics” course

“Environmental Economics” Day

World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF)2011

“Environmental Economics” Day

Organizing and teaching of the “Environmental Economics” module

Federal Polytechnic School of Lausanne, 2008

Organizing and teaching of the “Environmental Economics” module for the Diploma of Advances Studies (DAS) in environmental strategies and economic challenges

Teacher training in environmental economics

Universities of Agadir and Annaba (Algeria), El Jadida and Marrakech (Morocco), Aqaba and Amman-PSUT (Jordan), 2004-2009

Teacher training in environmental economics

Continuous training in eco-management, cleaner production and environmental economics

Federal Polytechnic School of Lausanne and University of Geneva2005-2007

Continuous training in eco-management, cleaner production and environmental economics given with the help of sba

Green job program for the youth

For the UNDP and the Tunisian government2013

This program, initiated by UNDP in partnership with the Tunisian government, aims to improve the employability of young people through better access to technical, vocational and entrepreneurial training opportunities in the areas of green economy.